
Agriculture Development Programme

We improves farming with a Agriculture Development Programme, helping rural communities and farmers with advice, training, loans, and finding buyers. The goal is to make farming sustainable and profitable for all.

Health Awareness Programme

Your well-being is our priority. Engage with our Health Awareness Programme to make informed decisions about your health. Through education, preventive measures, and wellness initiatives, we empower you to lead a healthy  life. 

Life Maximization Programme

Designed to elevate every aspect of your life, this transformative journey guides you towards personal growth, success, and fulfillment. Let us help you maximize your potential and create a life that aligns with your deepest aspirations.

Vehicle Insurance

Vijay Consultancy offers a range of car insurance options for accidents, theft, and property damage. They partner with multiple providers to offer affordable prices tailored to each budget. Third-party liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage options are available for optimal protection. Their goal is to help people and businesses with their car insurance needs.

Business opportunity programme

Vijay Consultancy offers a program that helps business owners and entrepreneurs grow their business and manage tough times. They conduct market research, create sales plans, offer financial management, and more. Experienced consultants provide diverse ideas and support at any stage in business growth.

Health Insurance

Vijay Consultancy offers Health Insurance plans with comprehensive coverage, personalized service, and unrivaled support for clients’ queries and claims. We believe in protecting our clients from unforeseeable medical expenses, allowing them to focus on their well-being without financial burden. Forming long-term relationships built on trust and reliability is our goal.

Concept of 4C

Vijay Consultancy offers a four-step service: clarity, communication, collaboration, and consistency. They provide clear information, listen to clients’ needs, work together to make decisions, and consistently communicate in a timely manner. The 4C concept helps clients achieve their goals and receive excellent service.

Business of 21st century

We helps people and businesses succeed with “Business of 21st Century”, teaching digital marketing, online advertising and social media management. The team of experts works with clients to develop a plan so they can grow their business and beat the competition. Get the tools you need to succeed with Vijay’s “Business of 21st Century”.

Concept of true wealth

Vijay Consultancy’s “Concept of True Wealth” program helps achieve life success beyond money. It covers spiritual belief, health, relationships and growth, with advice on communication and wellbeing. By discovering what’s important, clients can have a more balanced and fulfilling life.


Crafting Your Path to Success in 3 Simple Steps

Discovery and Consultation

Embark on your journey to prosperity with a personalized Discovery and Consultation session.

Tailored Strategy and Implementation

 our team formulates a Tailored Strategy designed to address your specific needs.

Continuous Monitoring and Optimization

Success is an ongoing journey, and we are committed to walking every step with you.

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